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Jump$tart Clearinghouse

Jump$tart has launched the next-generation of the Clearinghouse – the free online database of financial education resources for use by teachers, students, parents and everyone committed to financial smarts for students. The updated Clearinghouse is designed to maximize advancements in technology, keep pace with expanding use of mobile devices, and engage new audiences. Originally established in the mid-1990s, the Clearinghouse has entered a new era of helping educators find resources that inspire students to achieve and maintain financial literacy.



  • Teaching guides, videos, student workbooks, games, simulations, textbooks, lesson plans, interactive websites, informational booklets, calculators, learning toys, music and posters are among the types of materials listed on the Clearinghouse.

  • Users can search the Clearinghouse by parameters such as keyword or topic, grade level, type or format of material, resource title or provider, and language.

  • If further assistance is needed, the Clearinghouse offers an "Ask Anne" feature, where users can call or email Clearinghouse staff for personalized assistance.

  • The Clearinghouse provides brief descriptions and complete ordering information for more than 700 titles. Materials are ordered directly from the provider, and many resources may be accessed or downloaded immediately via the Internet. The Clearinghouse does not distribute materials directly.

  • Approximately half of the resources are offered absolutely free.

  • Organizations that provide materials to be listed on the Clearinghouse include national leaders in education, government agencies, financial services firms, professional associations, and other sectors, including many Jump$tart partners.

  • Materials listed in the Jump$tart Clearinghouse are reviewed for appropriateness using the 2016 Criteria for Reviewing Materials.


Jump$tart is looking to get your feedback on resources. While a profile is not required to use the Clearinghouse, we are looking for reviews and ratings of the resources listed. To do that, users must create a profile. Let Jump$tart and others know what you think about a resource.

In addition, the Clearinghouse needs greater awareness among teachers, students, parents, state and national education administrators, legislators and others who share the goal of increasing the quality of personal finance education in the nation’s schools. To increase awareness, we need:

New, high-quality educational resources submitted to the Clearinghouse by partners, authors and publishers
Partners to link to the Clearinghouse from their websites
Clearinghouse announcements in educational journals, newsletters and public service announcements
Presentations at state and national conferences to reach educators, parents and others regarding the advantages of using the Clearinghouse to identify resources


Part of the new look and feel of the Clearinghouse is a mobile responsive design, which adjusts to a smartphone or tablet, and optimizes the viewing experience. The modernized infrastructure also gives users a sophisticated online shopping experience, and allows them to review and rate resources, save favorite resources to their account, and share resources across multiple social media platforms. In addition, the search capability has been enhanced to include four categories: curricula, tools, information and experiences, and also show how many results are associated with the various search criteria.


Anne Bannister, Clearinghouse Director

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