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Once upon a time we had a regular newsletter. More on that to come as of 8/11/24, but if there is anything you'd like to see us do, don't hesitate to reach out to us at


2016 Reading Days: A Big Success
06/02/2016 12:16 PMKarl Kaluza
2016 was another successful year for the Jump$tart Reading Days program.

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BECU Scores for Financial Literacy with New Sounders Soccer Sponsorship
04/04/2016 2:00 PMKarl Kaluza
Today, Washington state’s leading credit union, BECU, and Seattle Sounders FC announced that BECU is now the official credit union partner of Seattle Sounders FC. BECU is using the partnership to elevate its focus on financial literacy. For every Sounders FC goalkeeper “save” on the field during a regular season home match, BECU will make a $250 donation to support employment and education programs at YouthCare. YouthCare is a Seattle-based non-profit that provides services for homeless and at-risk youth.

“We can’t prevent the circumstances that happen to youth before they come to us, but the contributions from BECU can help those youth get on a better path,” said...

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How to Set Realistic Financial Goals
01/29/2016 4:55 PMKarl Kaluza
TED BECK: Nearly seven in 10 (68%) of Americans say they are determined to improve their financial well-being in the New Year. It’s not without good reason. A survey conducted just last month by the National Endowment for Financial Education finds one in three U.S. adults say the current quality of their financial life is worse than they expect it to be.
So how about setting realistic resolutions for a change?

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Teaching Money with Technology
01/04/2016 5:02 PMKarl Kaluza
While some personal finance educators struggle just to connect to the Internet, others are watching as technology awakens their students to new possibilities — and sometimes to the cold, hard facts of life — through games, apps, websites, simulators, calculators and other tech tools. “They sincerely appreciate the opportunity to make virtual mistakes and avoid some of the same things in the real world,” says Ronald Cross, a financial literacy teacher in Dallas. But good tools are best used by good teachers. As Michigan business teacher Brian Johnson says: “The use of humor, being enthusiastic about the topic, and the ability to communicate with young people is more powerful than the most expensive piece of technology.”

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40 Money Management Tips Every College Student Should Know
12/29/2015 5:07 PMKarl Kaluza
The financial decisions young adults make during college might involve a few bucks or thousands of dollars. They're taking their first steps toward financial independence and it's not always easy to know what the best choices are. The goal is to help young people learn how to take control of their money instead of letting their money take control of them.
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LIFE VALUES QUIZ: What's Behind Your Financial Decisions?
12/11/2015 5:13 PMKarl Kaluza
Have you ever wondered why you feel good about spending money on vacations, but avoid saving for retirement? Why you buy new golf clubs, but procrastinate when it comes to giving your kids an allowance? The answer may lie in your unique LifeValues and how they influence your financial decision making.

Most of us don’t realize what’s behind the thousands of financial decisions we make every year. And, if we are in a relationship, we are even less certain about why our partners make the decisions they do. If you want to demystify your money behaviors...

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Are you ready to discover Your Financial Identity?
11/29/2015 5:18 PMKarl Kaluza
If you're finishing up high school, in college or just starting out in your career or independent life, this Financial Identity Quiz is one tool to help you identify where you are currently on your journey to financial independence. There is no roadmap to growing up. While you will have to make your own way into adulthood, one thing is certain: Financial decisions are a big part of life, no matter what path you take. Understanding the beliefs, values, and other factors that influence those decisions can help you better plan for the inevitable twists and turns in the road.

There are no right or wrong answers. Go with your gut. At the end of the 12-question quiz you will learn your financial identity and receive...

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Get Sponsored to Attend 2014 Jump$tart Coalition National Educator Conference in Los Angeles
07/05/2014 11:24 AMAnonymous
Practical Money Skills will sponsor six educators to attend the Jump$tart Coalition National Educator Conference in Los Angeles, on November 8-10, 2014. The conference gives classroom teachers the opportunity to network with colleagues, attend informative workshops, learn about educational resources and meet leaders from finance and education.

The $1,000 sponsorship per educator includes:

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Lake Stevens High School Students Receive Financial Fitness Award
04/07/2014 11:08 AMAnonymous
Congratulations to Lake Stevens High School FCCLA students who won a 1st place FCCLA Financial Fitness award at the state-level competition held March 26-28 in Wenatchee.

Their project, STAFF (Students Teaching About Financial Fitness) received a perfect 100 point score, and involved teaching 1st and 3rd grade classes about the value of a dollar and consumer clout.

Lake Stevens FCCLA will receive recognition for their project at the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) National Conference slated for San Antonio, Texas...

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Presidential Proclamation -- National Financial Capability Month, 2014
03/31/2014 10:05 AMAnonymous

Thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, our Nation has cleared away the rubble of the worst recession since the Great Depression. As we continue to create jobs and grow our economy, families strive to rebuild their finances and shore up their futures. During National Financial Capability Month, we renew our drive to give all Americans the tools to navigate the financial world and gain the economic freedom to pursue their own measure of happiness.

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