The purpose of the Jump$tart Washington Grant Program is to fund projects that support Jump$tart’s mission: Jump$tart Washington promotes the development of personal finance skills of Washington residents, with emphasis on education for K-college youth.
The current focus of grant awards is Financial Education that impacts high needs populations and creates a best practice or tool that is replicable or scalable for college-aged Washington State youth. This focus may change from time to time and will be reviewed by the Jump$tart Board each year. The Board has the discretion to allow funding of grant requests that do not fit into the current focus, as long as they support the mission of Jump$tart.
Past Grant Recipients
Student Loan Awareness Month (CENTs)
Financial Wellness Program (Bellingham Technical College)
Student Academy for Financial Empowerment (Financial Beginnings)
Economic Resilience Initiative (YWCA)
Teen Mothers (Union Gospel Mission)
Financial Fitness Model (FCCLA)
JA Park Curriculum (Junior Achievement)
Biz Kid$ Online Curriculum (Biz Kid$)