Money Smart Week Reading Days
Reading Days give our community leaders and volunteers a chance to step into local schools and take time with students to read a storybook with a financial education theme. This year’s book is called “Sam and the Lucky Money” by Karen Chinn. This book tells the story of a young Chinese-American boy faced with spending his New Year’s gift money, ending with the traditional message of how it is better to give than receive. As part of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Money As You Grow Bookshelf, “Sam and the Lucky Money” also comes with a parent guide teachers can use to follow up in the classroom, or for students to take home for additional discussions.
Washington’s Money Smart Week Reading Days provides a great opportunity to join the cause in teaching children the importance of financial capability.
Here’s how you can participate:
To participate in Reading Days, contact John McKenny at john.mckenney@tre.wa.gov or 360-902-9021, from the Washington State Department of the Treasurer.