Ways To Participate In Jump$tart
There are many ways that organizations and individuals can become involved with the Coalition:
Become a partner with the Coalition!
If your organization, or you as an individual are actively engaged in promoting personal financial literacy among youth, we invite you to partner with us. For more information on becoming a partner, please email wajumpstart@gmail.com.
Support the Coalition!
Jump$tart Washington is an all-volunteer, charitable 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization and as such, we rely on the generous support and contributions from organizations that believe in our mission. For more information on making a donation to Jump$tart Washington. Donate here!
Make a difference locally!
Organizations and individuals can make a great impact at the local level. Here are ways that you can make a difference:
Financial Institutions: Volunteer to work with a local school or district to provide classroom presentations and support by joining our Speakers Bureau.
Educators: Incorporate personal finance within your curriculum. Personal finance has been taught successfully to students of all ages and within many core and elective subjects. For more resources, search the Clearinghouse according to your grade and subject matter.
Education Policy Makers: Consider ways to incorporate personal finance education into your school's curriculum and teacher professional development programs. Remember, too, that you need not reinvent the wheel. The National Jump$tart Coalition can help you identify successful models. For more information, contact the national office at info@jumpstart.org or call 1-888-45EDUCATE.
Parents: Begin teaching your child about personal finance at a young age and continue to reinforce these concepts. Visit the Clearinghouse for more ideas on teaching your child about personal finance matters. Encourage your local schools and teachers to incorporate money and personal finance concepts into their curriculums.
Jump$tart Washington has several projects throughout the year that members and partners can participate in. Below are a few:
America Saves Week
Money Smart Week
Reading Days
Financial Education Training, Coming Soon
Membership Events, Coming Soon